
Final Reflection piece

So this summer course has been different for me because I feel like this is the most stressful that I’ve ever been because I have been juggling so much class work with working outside of school to support my family and myself. I genuinely enjoyed having you as a teacher Ms. Wood I feel like you put in your all to make sure we got whatever we needed from you. I appreciate everything that you have done for me and the whole class as a whole. I also feel like this semester I could have done so much better and put in more effort if I wasn’t so busy and stressed. I did learn a lot this semester even if it doesn’t appear as though I did learn anything at all. I learned that If I want to get something done then I’m going to have to put in the work to get what I want. I can’t slack anymore because this is my career and my future. It is my job and my job only to make sure that I get what I need to get done to truly succeed so although I learned this from college this semester I’m not proud of all of my work, only some. I feel like I started the semester on the right track then I sorta just lost myself somewhere in the middle with trying to make deadlines and trying to balance work and school. I also learned that I need to put aside my procrastinating habits so that I can get everything done on time so that I’m no longer put in a position where I would feel like I’m stressing too much. I feel like if we had more creative story-based assignments then it would have been very fun for me to do makeup because I love to write short stories. It reflects my true level of creativity. I liked the first assignment that we did on our own because it allowed me to be able to express myself through writing and I found that very funny. Something that went well with this assignment specifically was the fact that it was our only assignment because we were just getting started and there wasn’t much to do other than that so people’s ideas were able to flow a lot better without feeling so mentally drained. That’s where I feel like things went wrong for everyone in the class because people started to feel overworked and that’s when people started falling behind and not putting in the best effort that they were all capable of doing. I’m sure everyone has their reasons for being late with their work but I appreciate you miss the wood for actually caring enough because you could have been very mean and strict but you weren’t. To answer the question, if I were to choose to write with more freedom over anything else I would prefer that because It allows me to be able to work better without needing to research and cavern for evidence then spend like 15 minutes trying to explain the evidence that I had found. As for grading requirements, I think for the short amount of time that we did have to do work we should not be graded so harshly because to truly write great pieces of work that will take way more time and we just didn’t have that. Between all the academic support hours and all the mandatory seek events, it became really hard to do everything to the best of my ability. If there was less work given I truly believe students wouldn’t have such a hard time doing their assignments on time and having it be their best

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